Global Health and Development


Over 700 million people live in extreme poverty globally. But interventions to address the health consequences of poverty are often ineffective or misdirected. Over the last decade, organizations like GiveWell have identified highly tractable interventions that can often save a life for as little as a few thousand dollars. Rethink Priorities’ research in this space focuses on expanding this portfolio of interventions, and working with foundations to identify promising new avenues to save lives and improve wellbeing around the globe.

Rethink Priorities’ Global Health and Development (GHD) Department conducts research to drive meaningful change in a wide range of important topics. Through consultancy services and by pursuing our own independent research, we support nonprofits, funders, and policymakers to make informed decisions and maximize impact across a variety of areas: international development, global health, climate change, and more. Our research team has expertise in economics, health, science, and policy, and brings experience from academia, consultancy, and nonprofit work.

For more information about our research process, please read this post.

Global health

We work to identify promising global health interventions that can absorb millions of dollars to help save and improve lives. Some of our published work in this area includes a report on exposure to lead paint in low- and middle-income countries and an assessment of the effectiveness of prizes at spurring innovation.

International development

We have also explored various issues and interventions within international development. For example, we have evaluated the cost-effectiveness of various interventions that may help very poor people to increase their income and earning potential in the short and medium term (with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa). We’ve also assessed weather forecasting as a potential agricultural intervention in low- and lower-middle income countries and looked into the cost-effectiveness of different interventions.

Climate change

The team has also explored initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change. Thus far, they have released the first of a two-part series on anti-deforestation initiatives. This report examines the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the REDD+ framework for reducing forest loss and degradation and for abating CO2 emissions that contribute to climate change.

